SUP paddle board yoga with Jaya in Clarks Summit, Scranton and surrounding areas.

Jaya’s Floating Yoga Studio

Water below, sky above. Improve balance, coordination, flexibility and strength with yoga on the water.

paddleboard yoga class

 Experience Jaya’s floating studio!

Jaya offers Stand Up Paddle Board (SUP) Yoga classes during the warm weather months!

Two hour session including an introduction to paddle boarding, a short paddle journey, and an hour of guided yoga on the boards. This is an all levels yoga class that is suitable for new paddlers. No SUP experience is needed, just a willingness for adventure and fun out on the water!

Check out our paddle inspiration Jana Mars and her amazing floating studio at Aqua Vida.

SUP Yoga Classes

SUP (Stand Up Paddle Board) will be back Spring 2025!

Classes will be held at various locations in Northeastern, PA.

Interested in a private solo/group session or event at your location? 

Email or call 570-319-1726. 


Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits of floating my yoga practice/workout?

  • low impact

  • balance training and core stabilization

  • body must engage secondary muscles we overlook in strength training and cardio exercise

  • board naturally realigns body (left and right) and there is a release as well as you let go to the sway of the board

  • board is your partner, showing you your imbalances and strengths/weaknesses

  • full engagement, mind and body

  • deep concentration as you find the balance within each pose

  • your senses are invigorated as you feel the sun on the skin, cool breeze, and watch the mesmerizing water all around you

  • the gentle rocking of the board is incredibly tranquil for the body and relaxes  the nervous system

  • Fresh Air and Sunshine!

  • It’s fun! 

What should I wear/bring?

  • A swimsuit or yoga/athletic clothing are recommended. Bring your own towel, a bottle of water and your sense of adventure!

    ** Reservation policy: 48 hour or more cancellation - 100% refund, 24 hour or more cancellation - 50% refund, day of cancellation or no show - no refund ** 

    If class is cancelled because of the weather, see below (What happens if it rains?).

Will I fall in?

Jaya's Namastayafloat classes are designed to be stable. We build our practice by starting low and connecting with the board, then gradually rising to a standing flow. Our teachers offer modifications to add ease or challenge to every pose. We offer playtime during every class, which opens up the opportunity to explore more poses that are inherently unstable – sometimes a splash or two may happen here!

You will get wet though! Our hands, feet, back and abdomen touch the water and so we recommend you do bring a towel and/or change of clothing for after class!

What happens if it rains?

Our classes are weather permitting - if there is precipitation any time in the 24 hour prior to the start of class, or 40% or more chance of rain within two hours of class, class will be cancelled and we will offer you a spot in the next available class, or any future class, or offer a full refund. If class is scheduled, and rain begins an hour or more into the class, there will be no refunds.

 Our Students

“Practicing yoga in the water on a paddle board was not appealing to me when I first heard of it. I pictured myself losing my balance and tumbling into the lake headfirst, leaving my fellow yogis wobbling on their boards in my wake. I was pleasantly surprised, though, when I finally tried it. The board is very wide and sturdy, and I was able to maintain my balance after only a few minutes with the helpful guidance of Peg. The beauty and calm of the lake made me forget my fears and focus on my practice. I truly enjoy the challenge of practicing on the water in such beautiful surroundings. I highly recommend it."

- Gigi


Questions about stand up paddleboard yoga?