The Jaya Collective
Hilary Steinberg
Hilary B. Steinberg is the founder and owner of Jaya Yoga Studio, Clarks Summit, PA. For more than 13 years, she has helped people all ages, backgrounds and skill levels, in Northeastern Pennsylvania realize their potential through the power of yoga. She recently expanded Jaya’s services to include stand-up paddle/paddleboard yoga, and Jaya Daily, an online subscription service offering options for yoga outside of the studio available on any device.
Hilary is a Certified Yoga Alliance Instructor, Reiki Master/Teacher, and Creator and Director of Jaya Vita Yoga Teacher Training. Her broad-based experience and certifications include pre-natal yoga, children’s yoga, adaptive yoga, and Pilates.
Renea Egan
Yoga has been a part of my life for just over five years. While a lifetime fitness enthusiast and Pilates practitioner, I began searching for something deeper to connect my physical wellness and mental wellness.
When I started Jaya’s Beginners Series, I felt the connection I’d been searching for, to both the practice of yoga as well as the community at Jaya. Practicing yoga gave me peace of mind, improved strength, flexibility and confidence. A surprise leg injury put me on the path to the Jaya Vita teacher training and revealed my desire to share my passion for yoga through teaching.
My classes aim to provide steadiness and ease through breath, while embracing growth, change and creating a peaceful state of mind; both on the mat and off.
Cindy Condella
Movement for me has been a means of connection since childhood. Through dance I found the simple joy of physical motion. During a transitional time in my adult life, I began to seek a way to capture that joy on a deeper level. Soon after my first yoga class I began to understand the significance of the ancient practice as the discipline encourages a unique physical and metaphysical awareness. Through stillness, breath, and movement a transformation began to take place. It became important to me to share my passion and experience with others. In 2016 my yoga teaching began, and my learning continued. My classes are breath focused with an emphasis on transitions. I use my dance experience to create sequencing that safely opens the body and allows for energy flow. Yoga is a tool to help navigate all stages of the physical and emotional challenges life presents. It’s important to make my classes accessible to all those seeking a physical & spiritual connection.
Erica Nealon
Erica began practicing yoga in 2016, eventually taking the Jaya Vita Teacher Training in 2018. Yoga has helped Erica in many ways and has connected her to the wonderful Jaya community. As a teacher, she loves to help challenge her students in ways that help them grow physically and mentally. Her classes aim to share yoga as a means to empower her students with tools to use both on and off the mat. Erica is a graduate of Marywood University and spends her days working in Lackawanna County Central Court. And no, she cannot get you out of jury duty. She loves dancing, fashion, potatoes, and the beach.
Lisa Rigau
Lisa Rigau is a registered nurse, nutrition counselor, and community educator of health, wellness, mindfulness, and nutrition. She received her Bachelor of Science in Nursing from the University of Delaware. Lisa received her Master’s degree from Marywood University in Sports Nutrition and Exercise Science. Since 2003, she has been the owner of Healthy Lifestyle Management where she provides private and group nutrition counseling and educates clients on health promotion, disease prevention, mindful eating, mindfulness for stress management and whole foods plant based nutrition.
She is a qualified teacher of Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction through The Center for Mindfulness at UMASS Medical School & the Mindfulness Center at Brown University.
Over the last eighteen years, she has taught numerous workshops and lectures, eight-week courses, team building retreats, and wellness programs. Her passion is to experientially teach health and wellness to support every individual’s greatest health potential.
Meg Pregmon
Yoga has been a part of my life for just over five years. After having my second baby, I needed something to nourish and ground me. Yoga helped me to focus and grow, as a person and a parent. Practicing yoga has invited me to become aware of my mind, body and spirit in a way I hadn't been able to before.
Convinced life should be driven by two c's...curiosity and compassion, I have most recently, become a certified yoga teacher though a 200-hour RYT with Jaya Vita Yoga. As a teacher I will invite you to be curious and compassionate with yourself and ignite the spark of possibility. My classes seek to offer a spirit of playfulness, mindfulness through movement, peace of mind and presence in your body; both on the mat and off.
Peggy Voyce
Peggy was introduced to yoga 10 years ago after a hamstring injury. As a registered pharmacist, wife and mother, her strategy was to use yoga as a means to get back to her routine and the gym. Peggy discovered yoga not only helped build back her strength, but also increased her flexibility and calmed her racing mind.
As her practice grew so did her realization that life is yoga and yoga is life. We are challenged on our mat the same way we are challenged in life. Yoga asks us to do our best in various poses and continue to breathe mindfully throughout. Life asks us to do the same. Mindful breathing is the key. It is truly a superpower and one we always carry within.
Wanting to share her passion for mindfulness and yoga, Peggy received her 200hour RYT with Jaya Vita in 2016. Peggy’s classes aim to remind you to love who you are, have compassion for yourself and others, to accept our imperfections and to love them. Press the pause button of life, find your breath, strength, joy and your true peace.
Maurita Pascale
Bio coming soon…
Kelli Bethel
Kelli Bethel is a physical therapist, certified yoga therapist and an experienced registered 500-hour yoga teacher. She has taught yoga, meditation and mindfulness in both community and health care settings. She has worked in the integrative medicine arena since 2008 bringing a whole person approach to health with a specific focus on students with neurological conditions and cancer. A recent transplant to Clark Summit PA, she believe yoga can be made accessible for everyone- flexibility, strength, balance and the ability to get on and off the floor is not required.